July 11, 2021
July 11, 2021
July 11, 2021
Religious Education
Mission Statement
The St. Joseph Religious Education Program is committed to quality teaching and learning that informs and transforms the consciousness and lives of students. We are inspired by a vision of education that is grounded in the Tradition and Faith of the Catholic Christian community whose life and mission is centered on the person of Jesus Christ, and his message of love, hope, forgiveness, and peace. Our basic commitments arise from a sense of vocation as members of a community that commissions us to educate our children and young people in partnership with them. Inspired by a genuine love and care for our students, we seek to develop a school community, culture and curriculum that engage students in the search for Truth... for the wisdom that flows from the integration of faith and life, religion and culture.
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry is open to all students, grades 7 - 12, who are members of St Joseph Parish or attend our Religious Education Program. We have many activities where you can share your faith while having fun. Youth Ministry has a welcoming environment where everyone can be themselves and build quality friendships. Please call the Religious Ed. Office to learn more.